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Blog post image for Can I SQL Dev with Azure?, category: Database Management & Administration

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I SQL dev with Azure if I’m new to SQL?

Yes! Azure provides beginner-friendly tools and comprehensive guides to help you get started.

2. What Azure SQL service is best for my project?

It depends on your needs: Use Azure SQL Database for web or mobile applications. Use Azure Synapse Analytics for data-intensive projects. Use Azure SQL Managed Instance for migrating SQL Server workloads.

3. Can I SQL dev with Azure on a budget?

Absolutely. With free credits for new users and a pay-as-you-go model, Azure is accessible to developers with varying budgets.

4. What tools can I use to SQL dev with Azure?

Tools like SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Azure Data Studio, and Visual Studio integrate seamlessly with Azure for SQL development.

5. How can Devvista help with SQL development on Azure?

At Devvista, we provide setup, migration, optimization, and training services to ensure your SQL development on Azure is successful.

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